Today we found our little mealworms cuddling together underneath several sheets of newspaper. With a little prodding they were soon happily scurrying about the box. As we prodded them along with a pen, we noticed that whenever we placed the tip of the pen in front of a mealworm, it would back away furiously. Curious, we decided to experiment to see if mealworms have an adverse effect to every object placed in front of them or just pens. We tried a metal spoon next. Same reaction, stopping briefly before making a hasty retreat. The same response was found when the path was obstructed with a toothpick, newspaper strip, a finger and a straw. Interestingly enough, this was not the case when the mealworms encountered an apple slice.

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    This is an open space for us to jot down quick log notes of other observations during our time with the Mealworms.


    February 2013

